
From AnkiWeb

Most users will want to install LPCG through AnkiWeb. This is the easiest method, and it lets you get updates automatically.

You can find LPCG on its AnkiWeb page, which will show instructions for completing the installation. LPCG, like Anki, is licensed under the GNU AGPL3 license.

From source

If you want to do development on LPCG, you can install it from source. The source is available at GitHub.

  1. Clone the Git repository.

  2. Create a virtual environment with python -m venv venv, and activate it (usually . venv/bin/activate).

  3. Install Python dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt. LPCG is tested on Python 3.10 but will work on 3.9 too.

  4. Ensure you have PyQt5/6 and the pyuic5 // pyuic6 command available (depending on which version(s) of Qt you want to build against; both 5 and 6 are supported at the time of this writing).

  5. Run make to generate code for the dialog from Qt Designer (among other things).

To run the add-on within Anki, symlink or move the src directory into your Anki add-ons directory. Running pytest from the root directory will run the unit tests.